Electromagnetic Fields and the Life Environment. Marha, Karel; Musil, Jan; Tuhá, Hana, San Francisco 1971 (p.29-38)

4 Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Waves And Their Mechanism

4.1 Effect on the human organism and on other vertebrates read it

4.4. Mechanism of effects read it


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262 Ulrich, L., and J. Ferin: The effect of working in high-power transmitting stations upon certain functions in the organism, Prac. lék. 11: 500-503, 1959. (In Czech.)

264 Volfovskaya, P.H., J.A. Osipov, and T.B. Kolaba: On the problem of the combined action of an rf field and X radiation under production conditions, Gigiyena i sanitariya 26: 18-23, 1961. (In Russian.)

268 Wildervanck, A., and K.G. Wakim: Certain experimental observations on a pulsed diathermy machine, Arch. Phys. Med. 40: 45-55, 1959.

269 Williams, D.B., J.P. Monahan, and W.J. Nicholson: Biologic effects studies on microwave radiation, time, and power thresholds for the production of lens opacities by 12.3 cm microwaves, IRE Trans. ME-4: 17-22, 1956.

271 Wyatt, D.G.: Measurement of blood flow by electromagnetic induction. In A. L. Copley and G. Stainsby (eds.): Flow Properties of Blood and Other Biological Systems, New York: Pergamon Press, 1960; pp. 390-391.

274 Proceedings of Tri-Service Conference on Biological Hazards of Microwave Radiation (E.G. Pattishall, ed.), 15-16 July 1957, Rome, N.Y.; p. 122.

275 Proceedings of the Second Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy (E.G. Pattishall and F.W. Banghart, eds.), 8-10 July 1958, Rome, N.Y., p. 269.

276 Proceedings of Third Annual Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation Equipments (C. Susskind, ed.), 25-27 August 1959, Berkeley, Calif. , p. 336.

277 Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: Proceedings of the 1960 Conference (M.F. Peyton, ed.), 16-18 August 1960, New York, N.Y., p. 325.

279 O biologicheskom vozdeystvii sverkhvysokikh chastot (On the Biological Effects of Ultra-High Frequencies), Moscow, 1960; p. 134. (In Russian.)

280 Fizicheskiye faktory vneshney sredy (Physical Factors of the Inner Layer), Moscow, 1960; p. 404. (In Russian.)

282 Biologicheskoye deystvije ultrazvuka I sverkhvysokochastotnykh elektromagnitnykh kolebaniy (Biological Effect of Ultrasound and Uhf Electromagnetic Waves), Kiev, 1964. (In Russian.

283 O biologicheskom deystvii elektromagnitnykh poley radiochastot (The Biological Effect of Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields), Moscow, 1964; vol. 2, p. 172. (In Russian.)

284 Ochrana pred biologickymi ucinky laseru (Protection Against the Biological Effects of the Laser), Sdelovaki technika 7: 249, 1965. (In Czech.)

286 Rukovodstvo po gigiyene truda (Handbook of Labor Hygiene), Moscow, 1965; p. 651. (In Russian.)

288 Zashchita ot deystviya elektromagnitnykh poley i elektricheskogo toka v promyshlennosti (Protection Against the Action of Electromagnetic Fields and Electric Current in Industry), Leningrad, 1963; p. 154. (In Russian.)
